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This Is Why Things Have Become So Difficult Lately ….

Fire Service 26Th May 1Dear Child of God,

I know you have gone through a lot of rejection. There are things that have made you angry and furious because you discovered that the people you loved and regarded with all your heart turned out to be so selfish. But God is about to visit you, lift you up, and remember you. I need you to get ready for the favour of God upon your life.Β 

The Bible tells us about a man named Joseph who had great dreams for his future, but when he began to tell his brothers about it, they rejected him and began to plot his demise.Β 

Come now, let’s kill him and throw him into one of these cisterns and say that a ferocious animal devoured him. Then we’ll see what comes of his dreams. (Genesis 37:21)



When I was praying for you, I began to see that the root of some of the things you are going through is coming from your father’s house. Actually, I saw some marks that had been placed on your star which cause people to reject you, instead of seeing the good that you do, they see the mark. Instead of seeing your potential, they always see the mark. And this is why in spite of all your efforts, you often end up with a lot of disappointment at the end of the day. Because of jealousy and envy, a lot of negative words have been spoken over your life in order to hinder what God has for you.Β 

But as I was praying for you, I heard the Lord say that now your season has come for people to accept your star.Β 

You see, when people accept your star, it changes everything about your life. When Joseph’s star was accepted, the entire nation of Egypt accepted him, even though he was a foreigner. When his star was accepted, he was granted whatever he asked. His advice was trusted; his position was accepted.Β 

When people accept your star, you will experience favour. When you knock a door, it will open up. You will pray and breakthrough will come.Β 

This Friday is the Miracle Fire Service. In that service, whatever has been causing people to reject your star is going to burn by fire. As you throw your prayer request in the fire, God is going to remove all the enemies out of your life for good. Actually I hear in my spirit that with a spirit of fire, the Lord will remove every stain on your star that the enemy has been using against you.

The Lord will wash away the filthΒ of the women of Zion;Β he will cleanseΒ the bloodstainsΒ from Jerusalem by a spiritΒ of judgmentΒ and a spiritΒ of fire. (Isaiah 4:4)

You are going to experience many years of divine progress, divine favour and divine prosperity. I see the favour of God is going to override every agenda of the enemy. Just like Joseph there are some things you are going to forget forever. May the Lord wipe away all your tears and remove from your memory every betrayal and rejection in Jesus’ name.

Now Here’s What I Need You To Do:Β 

1. I need you to write all the things in your life which have been bothering you; all those things that have been weighing on your heart and mind.Β 

2. I need you to build up an altar to God for this special fire service that after this God will cause people to accept your star. Whatever your star has been tainted with, whether it be negative words, mistakes of the past, a bad reputation, people rising up against you, generational curses, as the Fire burns, God will remove all of it by His all consuming fire. Child of the Most High, our God will make it that for the rest of your life, no one will ever taint your star again.Β 

Your angels are waiting here @ 7:00PM

This Friday 26th May 2023


The Kingdom Church,

93 Camberwell Station Road,

London, SE5 9JJ

Yours In ProphecyΒ 

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Yours In ProphecyΒ 

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