I want to take a moment to thank those of you who have already responded to this divine call. Your step of faith is a testament to your trust in God’s plan for your life. I am already praying over your requests and placing them under the hem of the banner, as God instructed me. Miracles are already happening, and testimonies are pouring in!
However, I also want to address those of you who haven’t responded yet. Beloved, I sense an urgency in my spirit to remind you—your situation is not normal. The delays, frustrations, and struggles you are experiencing are spiritual in nature, and until the root is addressed, they will continue to disrupt your life.
This is Your Moment of Breakthrough
God revealed to me during our recent live service that the solution to your persistent issues lies in faith and obedience. Just as the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and was healed instantly, God has directed me to use the hem of the banner in our church at The Kingdom Temple as a prophetic point of contact for your miracle.
Every prayer request I receive is being printed and placed under the hem of that banner. This prophetic act mirrors what the woman with the issue of blood did—it is a declaration of faith that connects you directly to God’s healing power.
Why You Must Act Now
For those who haven’t responded yet, I want to ask you:
- How much longer will you let the enemy rob you of your joy, peace, and destiny?
- How much more will you try to resolve a spiritual problem with physical solutions?
God has provided the answer, but you must take the first step in faith. Your hesitation is only allowing the enemy to prolong his grip on your life.
Your Miracle is Within Reach
Those who have already acted in faith are experiencing breakthroughs. I received this testimony just today:
“I didn’t realize my problem was spiritual until I read your book. When I submitted my prayer request and sowed my seed, everything shifted. I felt immediate peace, and my financial situation is already turning around. Thank you for this revelation—it has changed my life!”
This is what happens when you obey God’s instruction. The chains holding you will break, and you will experience:
- Supernatural freedom from spiritual oppression.
- Deep peace that surpasses all understanding.
- Clarity of purpose and direction.
- Breakthrough in your relationships, finances, and health.
Don’t Let This Moment Pass You By
God is speaking to you now:
“I have seen your struggle and heard your cries. I have made a way for your restoration, but you must act in faith. Delay no longer, for your breakthrough is waiting. I will meet you the moment you step forward.”
This is Your Last Opportunity
Beloved, I don’t want you to miss this. The prophetic instruction God has given me is time-sensitive. I will continue placing prayer requests under the hem of the banner this week, but I cannot keep this open indefinitely. Take this step of faith today and experience the freedom and victory God has planned for you.
What You Need to Do Right Now
- Submit Your Prayer Request
Use the prayer agreement form linked below to share your most pressing need. As soon as I receive your request, I will place it under the hem of the banner in faith for your instant miracle. - Sow Your Seed
With an offering of £35 or whatsoever you can afford to support the gospel, you will also receive The Altered Life: Recognizing and Reversing Spiritual Problems in book format. This book is a prophetic roadmap to break cycles of defeat and claim your breakthrough. - Download the Revelation
Once your seed is received, you will be sent a link to download The Altered Life instantly. This resource will guide you through every step of identifying and addressing the spiritual root of your challenges.
I am standing with you, praying for you, and expecting to hear YOUR testimony next.
P.S. For those who have already responded, thank you for your faith. For those who haven’t, this is your divine opportunity—don’t let it pass you by. Submit your prayer request and claim your victory today!
Do not let the enemy rob you any longer. Just as the woman with the issue of blood reached out and was healed, your act of faith will activate the power of God in your life. Your restoration begins when you move forward in faith.
Time is of the Essence
This solution is only available to those who act quickly. God has reserved this revelation for a few, and I am praying that you will be one of them. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
I am praying for you, believing with you, and waiting to hear YOUR testimony of victory.
With prophetic urgency and blessings,
Master Prophet Climate
Bishop Climate Ministries
P.S. Don’t let fear or procrastination hold you back. Act now, submit your prayer request, and receive the prophetic revelation that will change your life forever. Your breakthrough is waiting. Step into it today!
Need to See Me Personally?
If you haven’t made time for a personal appointment, you’re postponing the transformation God has for you. Call our office to arrange it, or simply visit us every Sunday at 9 AM—no appointment needed! Don’t wait another day when your answer could be just a prayer away.
Don’t Delay—Sow Today!
Have you used the easiest and most secure way to give yet? You can sow directly into the ministry using online banking or by visiting your nearest Barclays Bank
Account Name: Bishop Climate Ministry
Sort Code: 20-54-25
Account Number: 90144223
IBAN: GB56BUKB20542590144223
If you haven’t contributed yet, why wait? Delayed giving is delayed blessings. Remember, God multiplies the seed you sow!
For MoneyGram/Western Union, call our prayer line for assistance.
We Are Praying for You—But Have You Released Your Faith?
We pray for you daily, but without your seed, you’re holding back the floodgates of blessings God wants to release over your life. Take that step of faith, sow into this anointed ministry, and watch the power of God move in ways you’ve never imagined!
Yours in Christ,
Master Prophet Climate
Bishop Climate Ministries
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4).