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Day 5 Daniel Fasting: This Is How The Kingdom Of God Works … (You Are Going To Be Surpised!)

Dear Child of God,

We just finished up Day 4 and am really excited for how things are going. The teaching and the revelation that God is pouring out, am telling you one thing, it is setting us up for success already. 

I want you to understand that there is a Word which will connect you to your next breakthrough. There is a Word which will connect you to that desire you have in your heart. There is a Word which will connect you to that good job, to that good marriage, to that good business, to that good financial status. 

The Blessing of God doesn’t just come upon you. It is delivered through Words. That is God’s medium; that is the method of delivery that He has chosen. 

Jesus’ ministry did not begin until he spoke the word. That prophetic word which was prophesied about him over 700 years before, could not be fulfilled until Jesus, by faith, spoke that Word and received it. But He didn’t just speak it. He didn’t just show up on day and started His ministry. He had 30 years to prepare himself. At 12 years old, the elders were shocked at how much of the Bible he knew. He had taken time to read the Word, to speak the Word, to believe the Word. 

There are many Christians today that are claiming Words for healing, they are claiming Words for prosperity, they are claiming Words for marriage. Some get it but others don’t. 

The Bible tells us that you are to “Consider carefully what you hear. With the measure you use, it will be measured to you – and even more. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” (Mark 4:24-25)

If you just speak the Word here and there, there will not be enough faith for it and it is likely to get scorched, or plucked away by the enemy. But when you spend time speaking the Word, speaking the Word, speaking the Word, faith begins to build.

“This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how”. (Mark 4:26-27)

God has a way of doing things. His kingdom is His way of operating. Your seed is the words that you speak. You need to sow them continually, day and night. You pick up the Words of God that pertain to your life or what you are believing for and spend time speaking them. Even if you don’t feel anything is happening, one way or another, some of that seed is going to begin to take root and grow. 

In order for you to receive what you are believing God for, you can’t just pray about it, you need to begin to confess that Word on a regular, consistent basis. That’s why I love to use my miracle beads because they make it easier for me. Three times a day, I will pick them up and begin to declare the Word of God over my life according to what am believing for. Everything that I have today, everything that I am is because I have made this my regular practise. 

This year the Lord has promised that He will command His blessing upon you that it will bring forth fruit for three years. I want to encourage you to take time in the morning, in the afternoon, and again in the evening. And keep speaking these words. That is why every day I am sending you special declarations. The more you say it, the more you will believe it. The more you believe it, the more those seeds will take root and produce a harvest.

Now Here’s What I Want You To Do:

1. Remember we started our Daniel Fasting on Sunday for 21 days. If you haven’t yet started, you can start today. You can eat any time of the day, but no meat (fish, pork, beef, etc.) and no alcohol. Apart from that feel free to eat what you like. 

2. Using the prayer agreement form below, I want you to send me the 5 key areas of your life, including the scriptures, the Word of God for those areas, where you want to focus on speaking the Word over. For example if for your finances, choose some scriptures that you want to confess over it. 

3. I want you to connect again today with your seed of £25 according to Leviticus 25 that this year God shall send His blessing that it will bring forth fruit for three years. As you continue to build up this altar, your seed, along with your confession, is going to bring it to pass. Remember your seed is two things; your money and your words. Both work together to bring forth your harvest. 

4. Below I have included 18 Powerful Declarations for you to bring forth the Blessing of the Lord upon your life. 




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Scripture Mark 4:23-29, Luke 4:18-21, Mark 4:24 & Leviticus 25:21 

(Remember you can always edit/fill in certain prayer points to apply to your personal life)

1. Jehovah God, as from today, I decree and declare that I shall speak the blessings of the Lord upon my life, upon my career/business, upon my children, and upon my relationships.

2. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord upon my life that will bring forth fruit for 3 years.

3. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord upon my career/business that will bring forth fruit for 3 years.

4. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord upon my money that will bring forth fruit for 3 years.

5. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord upon my relationship/marriage that will bring forth fruit for 3 years.

6. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord upon my children that will bring forth fruit for 3 years.

7. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord upon my property investment that will bring forth fruit for 3 years.

8. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord upon my calling that will bring forth fruit for 3 years.

9. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord upon my contracts that will bring forth fruit for 3 years.

10. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord upon this land that will bring forth fruit for 3 years.

11. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord upon my destiny that will bring forth fruit for 3 years.

12. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord that will bring forth passion for 3 years.

13. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord that will bring forth invention for 3 years.

14. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord that bring forth favour for 3 years.

15. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord that bring forth healing for 3 years.

16. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord that bring forth an abundance of wealth for 3 years.

17. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord that bring forth promotion for 3 years.

18. I believe I receive the blessings of the Lord upon my Church that will bring forth signs and wonders for 3 years.

Thank You Again… For Partnering With Me In The Eternal Gospel.. Your regular offering  and  Precious Seeds are Helping us to Proclaim The Gospel to So Many Around The World…! The work of God is the greatest soil on earth …and guarantees an Uncommon Harvest of Divine Favor. Click above to submit your prayer Request…. Remember to give An offering To Activate Your Faith. 

You can also sow straight into the Ministries account through online banking or by visiting your nearest LLOYDS BANK


ACCOUNT NAME: Bishop Climate Ministries


SORT CODE: 30-91-91

 ACCOUNT: 32472768

IBAN: GB24LOYD30919132472768




Please note if you are sending your special Offering via Money Gram or Western Union the name has been changed to Jennifer Lanyero, 93 Camberwell Station Road, London, SE5 9JJ, UK 

(This is my office secretary. Due to my schedule; she will collect your donation on my behalf)

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Yours In Prophecy,

Prophet Climate Wiseman

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