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We believe that the Bible is the mind of Christ and is the inspired, the only infallible and authoritative Word of God

There is one God manifested in three personalities; Father, Son and the Holy Spirit

The reality of Satan and his present control over unregenerate man does exist.

Christianity is based upon the following

  1. The deity of our Lord Jesus Christ
  2. His sinless life
  3. His miracles
  4. His vicarious and remission of death through his shed blood
  5. His bodily resurrection
  6. His resurrection
  7. His ascension to the right hand of the Father
  8. His personal return in power and Glory as Lord of Lords and King of Kings

The fall of man and his lost estate, which makes necessary a rebirth through confession and belief in the Lord Jesus Christ

The reconciliation of Man to God by the Substitutionary death and the shed Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ

The resurrection of Believers unto everlasting life and blessing in heaven and the resurrection of unbelievers unto everlasting punishment in torments of hell

To live and maintain all what God paid for us at the cross (Calvary) the abundance of life to the fullness of it, Spiritual, Soul, Body, Financially and Socially.

The present supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit, according to 1 Corinthians 12:1-12 and Romans 12:5-8 who bestows the Spiritual gifts of:

  1. Word of wisdom;
  2. Word of knowledge
  3. Faith
  4. Gifts of healing
  5. The working of miracles;
  6. Prophecy
  7. Discerning of spirits;
  8. Divers kinds of tongues;
  9. The interpretation of tongues

In and among Believers on the earth since the day of Pentecost and continuing until our Lord’s return.

The anointing from the Holy Spirit and the ability to deliver these Gifts accurately

God is not respecter of a race, age, gender or nationality; He is a respecter of Faith

God is doing something new in the Earth starting with WCCC and to spread throughout the World bringing a revival

  1. Sign up for membership 
  2. You will have an interview with our Resident Pastor 
  3. You attend our Induction class which will help you to  adapt in our church 
  4. All are welcome We don’t care about your race we care about about your grace 
  5. Get to meet Master Prophet for special welcoming Blessings 

For you to Join our Street Ministry. We Believe that in The Kingdom Church 

  •  Every member is an evangelist, where every worker is a Conqueror.
  • You be a person who fears God 
  • You Must Be  a person who Obeys God 
  • You Must Be A Person Who Is Bible Focused 
  • See Our Local Senior Pastor And Enroll in TheGod’s Army Our Street Evengelism 
  • Also Join the prophet for overseas Missionary Trips
  • We need people in all fields such as doctors. Nurses, plumbers, lawyers, business people and many more there are many way to serve God with your talent so you can receive your heavenly rewards here on the earth.

Yes we have been online since 2005. We are one of the biggest online church offering numerous spirit filled, power packed Services

Pastors, Ministers, Deacons and Leaders   Requirements in The Kingdom Church 

This Administrative ministry helps to accomplish the goals which God set for our church through Bishop Climate

Accordingly, each minister, Deacons and leaders has to meet certain requirements which are based on the Holy Scripture and concern every true believer:

  1. To be born again, which means:
    а) conversion to God from sin and evil works through repentance;
    b) faith in the dominion of Jesus Christ. (Acts 20:21; Prov. 28:13)
  2. To go through water baptism. (Acts 2:41; 18:8)
  3. To take part in other church programs, apart from the ministry in the office, such as system of G12, etc. (Rom. 12:4-8); to attend all the church services, leaders’ meetings and schools, missionary volunteering ,international and national Crusades also including  attachments and transfer to our other assemblies for support and training , etc.
  4. To be faithful and devoted to the ministry, which God committed to him (Acts 2:42-47). Devotion also implies that a minister should:
    а) live a pure and holy life (1 Thes. 5:22). Minister’s life should be pure and blameless, so that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ is not reviled;
    b) be honest and open, avoid any kind of lie and exaggeration;
  5. c) have a personal relationship with the Lord (Eph. 2:20,22; Matt. 6:6) through regular everyday prayer and reading the Word of God (Acts 17:7);
    d) witness about the Christ to unbelievers (Acts 1:8; 2 Tim. 4:21);
    e) not miss the church services (Heb. 10:25).
  6. To support the church financially through tithes and offerings:
    а) tithe means one tenth of the income. During Old Testament times the people of Israel gave tithes to support ministers (Levites) and free them from regular work, so that they can devote all of their time to religious issues (Mal. 3:10). In the New Testament Jesus also confirms that we need to tithe (Mat.23:23) ;
    b) offering is everything we give above the tithe. God obliges us to give the tithes, but offering is a voluntary act on the part each believer as a sign of gratitude to the Lord. Offerings are used for the rent of buildings, payment for heating and electricity, transportation, post office services, publishing, etc. Therefore, all the tithes are for people, whereas offerings are for projects and programs of the church.
  7. To submit to the church leaders. (Eph. 1:20, 23)
    Church is built on the principles of theocracy, in other words leadership of the Lord through people whom He puts at the head of the church: pastors, leaders, etc. That is why by recognising the authority of our pastor or leader, we also recognise the authority of the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to manifest powerfully in our lives and ministries. And vice versa, by opposing and rejecting to submit to the leadership we become like

Satan, who was in rebellion against God. Thereby we are destroying our lives and harming the ministry committed to us. (Is. 14:13, 14)

  1. 7. To take initiative, be purposeful and at the same time sensitive to the Holy Spirit, develop constantly and grow, both spiritually and professionally.
  2. To be disciplined, fulfil tasks creatively and in time, achieving the optimal result, thereby being an example to others in the ministry. (Phil 2:20-22)
  3. To consult with the leader or pastor or Bishop concerning the ambiguous issues of ministry or personal life.
  4. To be sensitive and responsive to the needs of people who turn to the church for help, serve people in the love of God.


  1. Never discuss anyone’s issues in a public place as a point of expression.
  2. Leaders should not use the pulpit or the microphone (and use such issues to express their frustrations.
  3. The receipt of any gifts made to you in your capacity as a leader within the ministry must be made transparent, and it must be recorded in thee Pastor’s Office.
  4. Gifts to the Bishop and the Family must be passed through the Pastor’s Office.