Dear Child of God,
Today we experienced and witnessed a powerful move of God. For the first time ever, we took the Gospel to the streets just like Jesus. And there we met many men and women, hungry for a touch from God.
Just a few minutes after we had set up on the street, we were overwhelmed with the amount of people who were coming for help, needing prayer and responding to our call.
Many fell under the anointing as they were delivered from all manner of oppression. Many testified that as I laid my hands on them, they could feel power, they could feel lighter, as if the invisible burden they were carrying had been lifted. It was truly the power of God at work.
I feel so honoured to be used by God in such a way. Jesus never stayed in church to preach but he went out to where the people were. And God poured out His spirit upon Him without measure so that there was no limit to the miracles that took place.
This Sunday morning, I want you to join me physically in church, as this same anointing continues to flow. Come and receive from God. Come and experience the presence of God to break the yoke and remove every burden.
JOIN US FOR 8AM Intercession, 9AM PUSH Prayer, 11:30AM Word Service & 3:30PM Prophetic Miracle Service
@ The Kingdom Church
93 Camberwell Station Road, London SE5 9JJ
May Jehovah Sakar, Rapha remember me and change my story today in Jesus mighty name ππΏπ²
I gave God the glory for what took place today with our Master Prophet Climate Wiseman and the Kingdom Enforcers of The Kingdom Church in London. Almighty God is doing a new thing in the earth and The Kingdom Church is part this move. It’s time for marketplace ministry. It’s time to get out of the four walls of the Churches and do what Jesus did. Preach, teach, heal, cast out devil’s then feed the people. Keep the fire of Evangelism burning and continue to blaze the trail in Jesus Name.