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Join us for our most anticipated service of the month! The Fire Service is the last Friday of every month at 7:30PM! Do you have a list of things that you know are hindering your progress? Or enemies that you would like God to deal with? They could be physical names, spiritual elements, financial battles, emotional struggles, health issues, and more.Β This is the service where God will avenge for you. All those who have been mocking you because of your faith, God will rise up and fight for you. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4)

When attending our fire service you will be given a Fire Prayer List by one of our ushers for you to fill out during the service. On your Fire Prayer List, you can include:

  • Health problems/symptoms
  • Financial & Family issues
  • Court cases/Debts to cancelled
  • Names of enemies/troubles
Our monthly Fire Service is filled with worship, praise, teaching, preaching, testimonies and the grand finale – putting your prayer request into the fire!

Come to the Fire service if you want to experience the power of God in your life.

Get ready for God to intervene into your life and situation, Come and hear testimonies, come and experience the fire service.

This is a MUST ATTEND service: if you live far and can’t be here physically,Β you can also submit your prayer request online and join us Live with with our online Family from your phone or computer. We want to print your prayer lists and put them in the fire personally just for you!

Click Here ToΒ Watch

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