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our history

We live to glorify God in all we do

That Through Jesus Christ we are in the Ministry of Saving, Deliverance, Preserving and Improving Human life (1 John 3:8)

What we do

Keep strengthening your faith


What people say

For months, I sought a genuine spiritual home. Many churches felt divided by nationality or too rooted in strict tradition. But at The Kingdom Temple, it’s grace over race. A mosaic of diverse backgrounds under one roof, led by an anointed Bishop, it feels like a piece of heaven. This is now my church, and I’m committed to its growth, thankful to those who paved the way. Here, I’ve found peace and unity beyond boundaries

James Thompson’S Testimony – Finding Harmony In London

James Thompson’s Testimony – Finding Harmony in London


In the midst of London’s overwhelming pace, The Kingdom Temple was my unexpected sanctuary. The sermons resonated, the music touched my soul, but most importantly, the community embraced me with genuine warmth. Amidst the city’s chaos, this church was my haven of peace and purpose. Here, I didn’t just find a church; I found home. If you’re seeking solace in the city’s hustle, The Kingdom Temple is a beacon of hope and connection.

Amelia Richardson – Finding Home In The Heart Of London

Amelia Richardson – Finding Home in the Heart of London


4 years ago I was facing personal battles even my profession as a lawyer couldn’t shield. Many churches offered motivation, but none touched my core issues until I found The Kingdom Temple. Here, they addressed problems at their root. With the unwavering support of my Bishop and the church’s practical approach, my burdens lifted. Now, I thrive in life’s rhythm. To fellow professionals: The Kingdom Temple is your sanctuary.

Dr. Benjamin Mitchell- Finding Faith In London’S Pulse

Dr. Benjamin Mitchell- Finding Faith in London’s Pulse

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